6-bit Johnson Ring Counter using Schematic + Verilog

Note: This chapter assume you done the 5Hz clock with LED blink project

A ring counter is a type of counter composed of a type of circular shift register. The output of the last shift register is fed to the input of the first register.

The Johnson counter is a variant that holds 2N of states, generates a Gray code, a code in which adjacent states differ by only one bit.


Create New Project,

Project settings:
Page 1 of 5:

Name of directory, project, top design entity: ring_counter

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Device: MAX II EPM240T100C5

Add slower_clock.v Verilog File

Under Project Navigator, open Files Tab,

Right click Files

Click Add/Remove Files

Find slower_clock.v Verilog file from previous project, then add.

Create Schematic Diagram,

From menu bar, Click File->New,

Then Select Block Diagram/Schematic File.

You will see empty schematic window

Save the schematic as ring_counter.bdf

Use slower_clock.v as a symbol

Click anywhere on the schematic window to show the symbol pop-up

In the Symbol pop-up window, Click the [...] button, then add slower_clock.bdf file

You will get this symbol. clk will be connected to input pin 64, while clkOutput is connected to clock pins of flip-flops.

6-bit Ring counter

Please create a schematic as shown.

In this counter, Q0 is LSB, Q5 is MSB

We use slower_clock as clock source for D flip-flops


Ctrl-Drag to duplicate

Shift-Click to multi select.

In Symbol pop-up, the symbols locations:

  • Logic gates: primitives/gate
  • D Flip Flop: primitives/storage
  • I/O pins: primitives/pins
  • Altera Out Buffer: primitives/buffer

Save the file, click Start Synthesis and Analysis

Set I/O Pins

After Start Synthesis and Analysis is completed, we need to set the pins

Open Pin Planner, set as follows

Compile and Program

Open programmer, set the USB-Blaster as Hardware, check the program file, click Start.


The LED array should start blinking and scrolling from LSB to MSB, with pattern













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